Saturday, January 16, 2016

Attribute of Obedience

So I finished the first semester of school and  received "A's" in both classes, which was exciting for all the effort I put in.  I enjoyed the two week break and now I am back at it with math and the second half of the Book of Mormon.  Math is hard for me and I don't look forward to it but I will put for the effort to do good and get my "A" in the class.  But I do look forward to the secon half of the Book of Moromon.  This half is my favorite because it teaches about the coming and ministry of the Savior to the Americas, and how He set up His gospel here as well.  I look forward to feeling and recognizing the spirit just as much as I did last semester as I studied the Book of Moromon.

So last semester I mention we had a project due called "The Becoming Project", it was where we had to choose a characteristic of Christ and set goals to become more like Christ.  Last semester my characteristic I chose was Charity.  So this semster they changed the title of the project but the principle stays the same.  The title is "Attributes of Chirst".  The principle is that you "Sow", "Grow" , and "Show".  It is meant to help us look inward, outward, and upward.  As I pondered what attribute I wanted to work on the one that kept coming into my heart was obedience.  Which was interesting because, the very next Sunday Brother Abbott gave a really go talk in Sacrament meeting about not loosing the perspective on “why” we are here on earth, and that is to prepare to return to live with  our Heavenly and to become more like our Savior Jesus Christ.  He taught me something valuable, and that is, don’t loose the “why” of why you do the things you do.  Why do you:  read scriptures, attend church, attend the Temple, partake of the Sacrament, fulfill your callings, serve others, etc.  It was an amazing learning moment that will be with me for a long time.  I can’t wait to learn more about the “why’s” of obedience.  Why are we obedient?  Is it for show?,  Is it for blessings?, Is it because it is a commandment?, or is it rooted in our deep love for our Savior Jesus Christ and our desire to follow and obey His will?  This is what I am looking forward to learning and growing as I put for the effort to apply what I learn from the spirit.

I am eternally grateful for the opportunity I have to grow as a person spiritually, I know that my Savior loves me and wants me to suceed.  I know that as I study and apply the things I learn about being obedient I will be blessed.  I know that by having my heart in the right place then my intentions behind what I do will be sincere.  I know that by following our Saviors obedience we will become like Him and be able to return to live with Him and that is my eternal goal.  This is just one step closer to achieving that.  I hope everyone takes that step with me.