Saturday, October 10, 2015

Broken things to mend


For those who don't know I am in the BYU-I Pathway's Program.  I am taking two classes.  The first class, is Life Skills which teaches you how to learn certain study skills to succeed in school.  the second class, is The Book of Mormon class, the first half of the Book.  Yes, I am a Mormon or what we should more commonly be called, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In my Book of Mormon class we are learning a lot.  I would like to share with you a principle that has touched my heart.  I hope it will touch yours as well.  We have the opportunity to Dig Deeper into the Scriptures, the Book of Mormon, for that is what we are studying right now. They provide these videos I would like to share one with you.  It is a clip from a full talk from Jeffery R. Holland broken things to mend , one of my favorite Apostles.  Yes, we do have Apostles just  like times of old, isn't that awesome the same setup now as in ancient times?  That is one thing I love about the Gospel.  I have to admit, every time I listen to just this small segment of his talk I cry.

I feel the main principle that touched my  heart in his speech is, as we come unto Christ, come to know His voice, and do His will we will find a strength beyond our own.  I look back in my life and realize  that when I live closer to my Savior in action and word my strength is beyond measure.  I find that I had no idea how I got through that trial then when it is all said and done with I look back and  it was because I was listening to the voice of my Savior and striving to do His will, and by doing so I was coming unto Him.  Elder Holland also said, "The Savior will not turn His back on us now, when He says, ""Come unto Me"",  He is saying, He knows the way out, and He knows the up.  He knows it because He's walked it.  He knows the way because He is the way".  This much I know is true because the Spirit has told me so.  I  have felt His love as I have turned toward my Savior in troubled times.  He has always been there for me He has and never will turn His back on me.  I know if you come unto Him with full purpose of heart with real intent He will be there for you to comfort you and give you the strength to endure what you are facing.  Your faith will be sustained and you will find peace in the middle of your storm.  This I testify to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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